October 21, 2006
The Sun Shines on Brooksvale
Words and pictures by Betsy Driebeek; videotaped interviews by Sharon Bass
Mother Nature teamed up with Ranger Vinny Lavorgna, Hamden Parks & Rec, Community Services and Friends of Brooksvale Park to create a splendid seventh annual Brooksvale Fall Festival last Saturday.
Blue skies, the diligence of presenters, toe-tapping live music and the beaming smiles of families and friends sharing the day together generated a brilliance in northern Hamden. Despite Friday’s heavy winds, trees still retained some autumn leaves creating a picturesque backdrop for the day's activities. Click here to hear Ranger Vinny Lavorgna talk about the day's event.
Click here for the sights and sounds of Blue Trail, with a surprise visit by Legislative Council President Al Gorman, plugging the Giant Valley Antiques Show at Miller Library Oct. 28-29.

Folks line up for the ever-popular hayride.
Click here for video.
Ridge Hill student Myles White, 8, tries his hand at 18th century woodworking while his mom, Grace, and Jim Vibert of Cheshire look on.
Eva D'Agostino of Hamden shows Ning Cruzado of Colchester items she has spun on her wheel.
It appears 4-year-old Marla Zikaras of Hamden has been gobbled up by the Great Pumpkin, but she is just retrieving her bean bags.

While waiting on the never-ending line to reach Clink the Clown -- balloon-maker extraordinaire -- George talks to the HDN about the crafts he made at the festival.
Todd Prouty of North Haven (left) and Holly Sorbo of West Haven teach St. Rita student Elizabeth Zheng, 5 (left) and Ridge Hill student Molly Craig, 6, archery techniques.
 Dunbar Hill student Ricky Bove, 9, casts his rod into the grass
pond. A weight at the end of the fishing line caught plastic fish
"swimming" on the lawn.
Shepard Glen friends Jacob Marrandino (left) and Jacob Stein, both 6, were two of many kids who climbed on the big tractor.
 Spring Glen student Jacob Hodsdon, 9, takes a spin on Mindy led
by Justin Dutton of Meadowgate Farms in Wethersfield.
Plus, watch these Brooksvale festival videos of three Hamden High students talking about raising money for their x-country team; and St. Rita student Paul demonstrating how he mans the popcorn machine.